Wedding Mid Season, Little Trips and Anniversaries.

August 5, 2014

Title says it all. We are in the middle of a hectic and amazing season. Documenting lovely days and generally being surrounded by happy people! Β It’s our anniversary too, our Seventh! Time goes too fast and we just like to preserve memories of what we did, how we felt and how we looked the years before. Its something simple but we love the results and the making of these photographs. Its our path and history for the generations behind, for our Olive mainly.

Just a few snaps of our good and happy times!

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If you would like to see the previous anniversary portraits click here!





You guys are the best πŸ™‚ long live perfect love stories πŸ™‚

Ah love the pictures Guys!! Great to see Olive on the roundabout again, remembering that first time on one in Dinan!! Looks like she has no fear at all now :0) x x x